Those Days

I can close my eyes and remember those summer days,

I can hear the laughter,

I can see the faces of people who used to be my friends,

I can say those were the good days, but it all depends,

Things have changed and so have I,

Some things have improved while other things have got worse,

When I reminisce I thank God I can remember more good days than bad,

I have laughed more than I’ve cried,

I have lost love but it hasn’t died,

Oh God those days,

Days I thought would last much longer,

Bonds with people that I thought were much stronger,

Time changes everything if you want it to or not,

Thank you for those precious days,

I truly loved them,

Thank you for these days and I pray for many many more.

About csincere

I have a love for Poetry. I have a love for creativity.Donate if you can.$responsible00
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2 Responses to Those Days

  1. macalder02 says:

    Being grateful for the good things we enjoy is being noble at heart. A good poem.

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